For little ones, discovering the world starts right on your doorstep. But for those families who are always on the go or love to travel, the world of adventure continues far away from home. Travelling with small children needs the right equipment for the challenge, and a light, small buggy is of course an essential. The handy and practical Ping stroller is ideal for travel-loving parents and their offspring. Its extra-compact folding ability, down to hand luggage size, and its very light weight impress on journeys by car, plane, bus or train. The manoeuvrable travel buggy can be effortlessly folded, unfolded and steered with just one hand. Besides the practical handling, your child’s comfort always comes first, especially when travelling. Thanks to 4-wheel suspension, a padded seat with completely flat reclining position and the generous sun canopy, your child can enjoy stress-free, relaxed and comfortable journeys. Whitewall tyres and trendy designs make the practical travel companion a buggy with global style visually too.